Stella Naves Oy Ltd

Nuijamiestentie 3 A
00400, Helsinki
etsi kartalta >>

Puhelin: (09) 477 7910
Faksi: (09) 477 79120

Yrityksen esittely:

Stella Group is an international shipping and logistics company. The Group offers a wide range of logistics solutions both in Northern Europe and worldwide.

The Group has built its advantages on the infrastructure, networks, professional expertise and flexibility.

Stella employees have know-how and experience over 30 years. The Group was established formally in 1998 in Helsinki. The focus was on liner shipping agency and transit operations.

Today, the Group has offices in Finland, Russia, Baltics and a worldwide coverage through long-term principals and partners.

Stella Group has as banker Nordea Finland and as insurer Pohjola Group Finland and Galatea Underwriting Agencies Ltd at the Lloyds of London.

The Group has a training center Stella Academy for safety, security & educational matters to improve the capabilities of harbor personnel.



Voimatel Oy
Suonenjoki (Suonenjoen kaupunki)
Pohjola Vakuutus
Softness Oy
Insinööritoimisto Häyrinen Pekka Oy
Rentlift Finland Oy
Hammaslääkärikeskus Denta Tero Siirilä
Järvelän Asennuspojat Oy
Eiran Isännöitsijätoimisto Oy
Re-Paint Oy Tom&Tom Ab
Työväen Akatemian Kannatusosakeyhtiö

Design (©) Hi-Vision Oy