Metso Automation Oy

Kehräämöntie 3
87101, Kajaani
etsi kartalta >>

Puhelin: (020) 483 120
Faksi: (020) 483 121

Yrityksen esittely:

Metso is a global supplier of technology and services for the mining, construction, power generation, oil and gas, recycling, and pulp and paper industries.

We are truly global – we have engineering, production, procurements, services business, sales and other operations in over 300 units in more than 50 countries. Worldwide we employ about 27,000 professionals serving customers in more than 100 countries. Today over 40 percent of our net sales come from the services business.

In 2009 Metso Corporation's net sales were EUR 5,016 million.

We have three segments: Mining and Construction Technology, Energy and Environmental Technology, Paper and Fiber Technology.

Our strategy aims for sustainable, profitable growth over the long-term. In the short-term, we are focusing on improving our competitiveness and cash flow and on securing our profitability. Global megatrends support our long-term strategic development and profitable growth targets.



Voimatel Oy
Suonenjoki (Suonenjoen kaupunki)
Pohjola Vakuutus
Softness Oy
Insinööritoimisto Häyrinen Pekka Oy
Rentlift Finland Oy
Hammaslääkärikeskus Denta Tero Siirilä
Järvelän Asennuspojat Oy
Eiran Isännöitsijätoimisto Oy
Re-Paint Oy Tom&Tom Ab
Työväen Akatemian Kannatusosakeyhtiö

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