Logimix Oy Ltd

Kiitoradantie 6 B
01530, Vantaa
etsi kartalta >>

Puhelin: (05) 217 360
Faksi: (09) 251 33610

Yrityksen esittely:

Oy LogiMix Ltd is an independent Finnish forwarding agency. Thanks to our independence we can offer you first-class service at a reasonable price. Being a mid-sized company LogiMix is large enough to provide you with full control of the assignment but small enough for you to avoid the feeling of a faceless factory.

Let us tailor the most convenient solution for you - whatever your needs in transportation should be. Regardless of how you wish to send your goods - by air, sea or surface - the long experience of our experts is at your disposal. The efficient organization of LogiMix and its outstanding connections guarantee that the pricing will not shock you.



Voimatel Oy
Suonenjoki (Suonenjoen kaupunki)
Pohjola Vakuutus
Softness Oy
Insinööritoimisto Häyrinen Pekka Oy
Rentlift Finland Oy
Hammaslääkärikeskus Denta Tero Siirilä
Järvelän Asennuspojat Oy
Eiran Isännöitsijätoimisto Oy
Re-Paint Oy Tom&Tom Ab
Työväen Akatemian Kannatusosakeyhtiö

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